If your charity uses Google Analytics (and it almost certainly does), Google has released some big news – you have to move from the current Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4 by 1 July…
In the words of Professor Farnsworth from Futurama, ‘Good news everyone!’ Platypus Digital is officially a certified B Corp! This is a massive deal for us. We’ve worked hard behind the scenes and are…
When to use Facebook Ads conversion objectives If you’re running a conversion campaign on Facebook Ads, you’ll have big things you want to achieve. But don’t jump the gun. Before setting up your campaign,…
When to use Facebook Ads consideration objectives Your charity’s in the public consciousness, and you’ve built brand awareness to an all-time high. Now you’re looking for ways to use Facebook Advertising to drive people…
When to use Facebook Ads Awareness Objectives For many charities and not-for-profits, the world of Facebook Advertising is a minefield. The terminology is confusing when you first start out and doesn’t always ‘fit’ with your…