Google Ads training for Charities

Our Google Ads training empowers charities to harness the full potential of search advertising, expanding their reach and attracting vital support. Whether you’re new to the platform or seeking to refine your skills, our sessions cater to all levels of expertise.


Best for: Charity staff, particularly those in communications, marketing, or fundraising roles who are new to Google Ads. This level is ideal for those looking to get hands-on experience with the platform, understand its basic functionalities, and start leveraging search advertising to boost their charity’s visibility and engagement.


By the end of this session, you should be able to:

  • Comprehend the differences and benefits between Ad Grants and paid Google Ads accounts
  • Identify specific restrictions associated with Ad Grants accounts
  • Connect Google Ads to Google Analytics
  • Design campaigns and establish objectives
  • Conduct effective keyword research
  • Write engaging ad copy suitable for both Google Ads and Ad Grants campaigns
  • Understand the various bidding strategies available
  • Recognise and address common post-launch issues
  • Monitor and analyse search terms to improve campaign performance


Best for: Charity staff who already have some experience with Google Ads, specifically those involved in communications, marketing, or fundraising who are ready to take their skills to the next level. This session is tailored to individuals looking to deepen their understanding, optimize their existing campaigns, and explore advanced features and strategies to maximize their charity’s impact and outreach.

During the Intermediate Google Ads training session, we expect attendees to already be comfortable with the foundational skills covered in the previous level. This includes understanding the basic operations of Google Ads and Ad Grants, setting up campaigns, conducting keyword research, and crafting compelling ad copy, among other skills. We will build on these basics to explore more advanced strategies and techniques.


By the end of this session, you should be able to:

  • Perform audits and review past performance data
  • Assess campaign settings to find optimisation opportunities
  • Reevaluate goals and bidding strategies, including different bidding strategies available
  • Enhance targeting techniques based on keyword and search term analysis
  • Effectively group keywords
  • Review and adjust audience targeting and scheduling
  • Apply ad testing methods to enhance performance
  • Streamline campaign management processes
  • Produce detailed and insightful reports
  • Write engaging ad copy suitable for both Google Ads and Ad Grants campaigns
  • Recognize and address common post-launch issues
  • Connect Google Ads to Google Analytics
  • Monitor and analyse search terms to improve campaign performance

Email [email protected] to book your session.

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